

Coldplay - Clocks (plné) Coldplay - Clocks (plné) | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Es, Bb, Bb, Ab
EsLights go out and I Bmican't be saved, tBmiides that I tried to swAsim against
EsBrought me down upBmion my knees, oBmih I beg I begAs and please -singing
EsCome out with thBmiings I've said, shBmiouldn't I fall ofAsf my head - and a
Estrouble that cBmian't be named, tiBmigers waiting toAs be tamed - singing
Es ye hoBmioooooBmiooh aahAsh x2
Es, Bbmi, Bbmi, Ab, x2
EsConfusion neBmiver stops, clBmiosing walls and ticAsking clocks - gonna
Escome back and takBmie you home, I coulBmid not stop the tuneAs now known - singing
EsCome out upoBmin my seas, CurBmise missed opportunAsities - am I
Esa part oBmif a cure, or amBmi I a part of a dAsisease? - singing
Es ye hoBmioooooBmiooh aahAsh x4
Es, Bbmi, Bbmi, Ab, x2
Es ye hoBmioooooBmiooh aahAsh x2
F# and nothing else comC#pares
F# oh no, nothing else comC#pares
F# and nothing else comparC#, F#, C#, F#, C#es
Es, Bbmi, Bbmi, Ab, x4
Es ye hoBmioooooBmiooh aahAsh x2
EsHome, hBmiome, where I waBminted to goAs x4
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